Shared learning & lunch

Thank you to all all the parents and grandparents who joined us for our shared learning and lunch today. The children enjoyed sharing what they have been learning in RE about places of worship. Our own place of worship in Kaden’s garden is going to look beautiful with all the bricks on which you have created some wonderful artwork. 

Crossing the Line

Year 6 had the opportunity to take part in a workshop and monologue performance of Crossing the Line. It addresses the issues surrounding child criminal exploitation and gives the children the tools and understanding needed to identify and deal with these issues. We first watched the video, which explains the dangers facing different groups of children. Then we watched a monologue to understand better what a victim of CCE would experience and how these children Read more…

Anglo Saxon Amulets

Anglo-Saxons were originally pagans, which means they believed in many Gods. They were later converted to Christianity with help from a monk named Augustine. Anglo-Saxons sometimes wore lucky charms called amulets and they believed these amulets would protect them from harm.  During History lessons, we got the chance to make our own amulet designs from clay.  We needed to  carefully think about what the shape and design on our amulet would symbolise.  Traditionally the amulets Read more…

Is it safe to post?

During our Scarf lesson this week, we looked at a range of pictures and using the below questions with decided if the pictures would be safe to post online or send in texts. Who could this photo be shared with? Why? Who wouldn’t we share this photo with? Why? Would another person feel hurt, embarrassed or unsafe if this photo was posted to others e.g. friends, on online? Why? Is this photo safe to post Read more…

Sports Journalist visit

This morning has been very exciting for Year 5. Gareth Walker visited our classroom and delivered a fantastic lesson, which the children loved. Gareth is a sports journalist, who has worked for The Daily Mirror for 20 years. He has reported on huge sporting events across the globe. During the lesson, we found out about the fascinating link between Rochdale and Fiji through Rugby. The children then produced some fabulous newspaper reports reporting on this.


Juniper have had a fantastic morning in English today. A real life national newspaper writer visited our classroom to tell us the story of the Rochdale-Fijian link with Rochdale Rugby Hornets. The children were engaged in their reading and writing by taking themselves inside the exciting world of sports journalism and taking on the role of sports journalists themselves. All the class thoroughly enjoyed learning about this fantastic story and piece of local history. The Read more…

Shared learning and lunch

Thank you to all all the parents and grandparents who joined us for our shared learning and lunch today. The children enjoyed sharing what they have been learning in RE about places of worship. We then spoke about designing our own prayer garden in our school grounds. Children and grown ups then worked together to create some fabulous pieces of artwork on bricks. The artwork shows Christian values and quotes that children and parents felt Read more…

Crossing the lines

This afternoon, Year 6 have watched the film ‘Blurred Lines’ by Parvez Qadir. The film aims to tackle the topic of organised crime and county lines. During the film, we stopped and answer questions relating to specific topics: stranger danger; healthy friendships; peer pressure; grooming; keeping secrets or who to ask for help. As a class, we then discussed key vocabulary that was highlighted throughout the film such as shotters, ENDZ, food and elders. To Read more…

Learning for Life – Ella’s diary dilemma

During our Learning for Life lesson today, Year 5 have discussed what is meant by a dare, who might dare a person and why people give dares? Together we came up with an agreed definition – ‘A dare is a request or challenge for someone to do something’. Children were given Ella’s diary entries (fictional character) describing her dilemma which allowed lots of discussion in year 5 around the risks and benefits of accepting dares. Read more…

Sentence stacking

In English, we have been practising our sentence structures, adding conjunctions to make our sentences more interesting and seeing if we can make sentences from packs of words that we were given. We worked in pairs and helped each other to make our sentences, then read them back to check they made sense. We wrote the sentences down and were challenged to see if we could make our sentence more interesting. The conjunctions we focussed Read more…