Welcome back

We had a lovely start to the year by completing lots of fun pirate activities for our new topic Land Ahoy! We have made pirate hats, painted a pirate ship or pirate on purple mash for our front covers for our books, used the Beebots to direct around a treasure Read more…

Anglo Saxon Villages

Last week we researched Anglo Saxon villages in computing, as part of our Traiders and Raiders topic.  We used this information to make model villages, using craft materials and natural materials from our school grounds.  This helped our discussions about how the Anglo Saxon people lived.

Eco week gardening

This week Year 4 have been learning all about looking after our world in Eco Week.  We have researched renewable energy sources in computing and have been gardening.  First we prepared the soil in our planter by digging and weeding.  Working together we also collected litter, sticks blown from the Read more…

Beat, band, boogie

This week we have been making music using purple mash and we have been on a sound hunt around school. We went on a walk around school and around the school grounds. We loved working outside in the lovely weather this week.