Online Safety

Juniper have been discussing online safety in the classroom and working through some potential real-life situations to see how they would react. They came up with some very sensible suggestions about what to do when gaming online goes wrong.

Safer Internet

Today year 6 have been deepening their understanding of ‘online safety’ by watching a video all about staying safe online and completing a quiz on purplemash. We discussed our digital footprint and how different apps online and phones and their settings can impact our safety when online. The children had Read more…

Internet Safety day

This week is internet safety week. We read a book called ‘ Webster’s friend’ which is about a spider who has made a friend online but the person who he is talking to isn’t who they say they are.  Next week looked at 3 different scenarios where people were not being Read more…

Online safety

Today we have been working on improving our understanding of online safety. we started by reading Tek the Morden cave man and then completely activities on purple mash to see what we had learnt.

Computing – Creating Spreadsheets

As part of our Purple Mash unit, we had to create a spreadsheet to record the results and probabilities of rolling dice. We recorded the totals and results, and used these to create graphs.   We were able to use basic formulae to total our results automatically.  


This week we have been learning about Pocahontas in our computing lesson.  In computing our unit is called ‘Effective searching’ so we have been using the internet to search for facts about Pocahontas. We worked really well together to complete the quiz questions about Pocahontas’ life.