Great Science Share

This afternoon, Year 5 had a great time working on an egg drop challenge. The children were given the challenge of creating a parachute to a protect an egg. The children thought about which materials would be best to protect the egg. We then discussed which variables would need to Read more…

Year 1 – Science

We loved Science today. We conducted an experiment to see which solution would be better to blow bubbles with. We made our own bubble wands and tested a solution with a tiny bit of washing up liquid against one with lots of it! We found the one with loads was Read more…

Science club – week 1

Last night we had a fun time at science club looking at materials. We had to find the best material to use as an umbrella. The children used scientific vocabulary to make predictions. Then, they tested the best material to keep themselves dry. The children found that plastic was the Read more…

Organ Systems

As part of our Cells topic, we looked at the different organ systems in our body. We found that because organisms like humans, plants and animals have so many complex processes within them to stay alive, organs can’t carry out these roles on their own. To enable us to live, Read more…

Science Show

This week we enjoyed a science show. We learnt all about light and learnt more about sound. We were able to perform experiments and find out lots of new and interesting things. Here are some pictures