The Theory of Evolution

This half term in Science Juniper are learning about how humans and animals have changed over time. Yesterday we were introduced to Charles Darwin and his theories. As part of his research studies, Charles found that different types of finches had evolved over time to adapt to their surroundings. Their Read more…


During our Science adaptation lesson, we completed different investigations to answer the following questions- Why do some animals have blubber? Why do birds have different shaped beaks? How do birds stay dry? Why do some animals have webbed feet? How do larger feet help in the snow?

Energy – speed

Rowan have extremely enjoyed our science topic, ‘energy’. This week the children have been learning all out energy, different energy stores and how it energy can be converted and transferred. They have also looked at different equations to work out efficiency, speed and power. They particularly loved looking at speed Read more…

Eureka- Chew to the Poo!

Year 4 had a fantastic day today at Eureka. We loved exploring all the different areas in the museum. In the afternoon, we took part in a workshop called ‘Chew to the Poo’ where we learnt all about the digestive system ready for our science topic about human bodies next Read more…

Water-powered Rockets!!!

As part of British Science Week, Year 6 created water-powered rockets, looking at energy stores, how energy changes from one store to another, and how rockets are designed to fly more efficiently. After designing and building our rockets, we part-filled them with water and used a pump to build up Read more…