Is it a solid or a liquid?

Year 4 were very excited today as we made some oobleck during our Science lesson. We know from our knowledge organisers that scientist find it difficult to categorise which state of matter oobleck is so we were intrigued to find out why. We first made the oobleck with 2 cups Read more…

Oaks shared learning and lunch

Oaks had so much fun at their shared learning. They worked hard with an adult to find out if certain materials were absorbent. Then we went to lunch! It was so tasty. thank you to everyone that cameā€¦and well done to the children, they were so well behaved!

Separating Mixtures

During our topic on Particles and Chemical Reactions, we looked at setting up an experiment to test how long it takes for sugar to dissolve in water. We had a control group and then planned how we could incorporate different variables to change and investigate how to speed up or Read more…