Challenge 2

For challenge 2 we created two different videos.  For the first video we created step by step instructions on how to log onto a computer.  This is then going to be used to help reception and Year 1 children: Click the link below For the second video we have Read more…

Shared reading morning

This morning Year 4 and Year 1 Oaks had a shared reading morning. The children shared Christmas stories and reading books. They took turns to read to each other and discussed the story. Year 1 Oaks said that they really enjoyed themselves!  

Sunny fun!

Last term and last week we worked very hard to earn our 20 marbles! As a class we decided to make the most of the sun (whilst it lasted) and go to Queen’s Park. We had lots of fun and got lots of exercise too!

Magnificent muscles!

In English we have been writing explanation text about muscles and we have been researching lots of information about them. Finding out about what they are made from, what types of muscles there are and how they work! We have learnt lots of interesting facts!

The children in Willows became the characters from the story The Three Little Pigs in our English lesson today. They acted out the conversation between the wolf and the first little pig when the wolf wanted to blow his house down. We worked on using expression in our voices. We Read more…

World book day

After 2 snow days we had a fantastic time for World book day! Our classroom was made into the tunnel room where children had to climb through a tunnel to get in or out of the classroom. We then went into the immersive room and had a look at different Read more…