David Hockney

Year 6 looked at how we can best analyse a famous painting. We looked at how artists tell stories or show feelings through their artwork. We interpreted the painting by trying to suggest its meaning, and looked closely to try and identify and notice small details, describing them after sketching.

Online Safety – Digital Footprints

As part of our online safety unit, we looked at digital footprints, and how they can affect employability, the impressions we get of people, and future prospects. We assessed candidates based on their experiences and digital footprints across social media. From this, we looked at the information that would possibly Read more…

Blurred lines

Year 6 have had the opportunity to watch the ‘Blurred Lines’ video and monologue, which explore the issues young people face with regards to county lines. The children watch a video before completing activities provided, which helps explore everything from unfamiliar vocabulary and terms used, danger signs to look out Read more…

Blurred Lines

Year 6 have had the opportunity to watch the ‘Blurred Lines’ video and monologue, which explore the issues young people face with regards to county lines.   The children watch a video before completing activities provided, which helps explore everything from unfamiliar vocabulary and terms used, danger signs to look Read more…


During this half term, year are working with an outside agency to master their cricket skills: throwing, catching and batting. The children are really enjoying the sessions and working extremely well.

PGL day 3

Last night the children enjoyed all their snacks they’d bought at the shops and relaxed ready for a fun filled day today. They kick started the day with a big breakfast followed by team games. Then we headed over to the zip line and trapeze where the children thoroughly enjoyed Read more…