
This week during computing, Year 6 have been looking at coding. They have explored, investigated and made different games on scratch. The children worked very hard, thought about the schools secrets of success (don’t give up, concentrate and push yourself) whilst using scratch. Well done.

Separating mixtures

Within our science topic ‘particles and chemical reactions’ year 6 have been learning new scientific vocabulary such as soluble, insoluble, solvent, solute, solution particles, pure and impure substances. The children have worked very well to carry out investigations and experiments and work scientifically. Today, we used filter paper, funnels and Read more…

Solve the friendship

This half term Year 6 are looking at ‘Me and my relationships’. This week we have focused on different situations and gave advice to each other. The children worked cooperatively to sensibly discuss and give advice. We considered whether the friendship sounded positive and healthy or not? Is it a Read more…

DT – Playgrounds

This half term, Year 6 have been researching, planning, designing and making their own playgrounds. The children have spent time at Queen’s Park looking at the provision and the location of such amenities and used this research to help plan and design their own playground. They have done such a Read more…