
This week the whole school took part in the Christingle service by Rev. Kirsty. The children discussed the purpose and the meaning behind the Christingles before making their own. The children recognised that  Christingle is a joyful celebration that brings families and communities together to share the light of Jesus Read more…

Crossing the Lines

This week, Year 6 were lucky enough to have the chance to watch a fantastic performance of ‘Blurred Lines’, which discusses and explores the topic of child criminal exploitation (CCE).   The child watched a video and discussed issues based on a work pack provided to support their understanding of Read more…

Anti-bullying Week/ Odd socks day 2020

This week is anti- bullying week. Throughout the week, classes have had an anti-bullying assembly, discussed this year’s theme ‘United against bullying’ and taken part in activities and discussions about bullying. Today we came to school wearing odd socks to celebrate our differences.