Literacy kicks

Year 6 have taken part in 6 workshops across 3 weeks, looking at the role of sports journalists, guided by journalist, Gareth Walker. Taking a different historical sporting moment each session, Gareth has guided the children through the process of how to create a quality piece of journalistic writing. From Read more…

Maths Games

As part of our preparation for SATs, we have looked at how we can recap familiar topics through different games and investigations.   We’ve looked at using fractions, decimals and percentages to create patterns based on a set of rules and clues, dice games to practise multiplication and division and Read more…

Energy – speed

Rowan have extremely enjoyed our science topic, ‘energy’. This week the children have been learning all out energy, different energy stores and how it energy can be converted and transferred. They have also looked at different equations to work out efficiency, speed and power. They particularly loved looking at speed Read more…

African Drumming workshop

Rowan have enjoyed playing the Djembe – a goblet drum from Africa. Mr Genty from the Rochdale Music Service told the children all about the drums history and how the African people used to gather, sing and dance to the drums. The children really enjoyed beating the drums to a Read more…