Scarf session

Today Jess from the Life Education Centre came to visit Reception. Jess talked about the different body parts that we have and discussed ways we can keep our bodies healthy. Jess introduced the lovely Harold to us and showed us the special bag he brought the show us all! In Read more…


This half term we are learning about animals. This week we have been researching different animals and reading books to find out more about them. We have then been busy designing and creating our own animals. Some children made a jelly fish, or a crab or even a fire breathing Read more…


We have been reading and learning about the story Jack and the beanstalk. During forest school this week we have planted our very own beans. We are hoping the magic works and they all grow high up into the sky.

Wiggle Worship

Today we had our first session of wiggle worship. Jo came in and delivered the session and the ethos team supported the children. We had so much fun singing the wiggle worship song and praising God with the scarves. We listened to and joined in with the Easter story and Read more…

African Drumming

Bluebells have had a fantastic afternoon taking part in an African drumming Workshop. We learnt all about Djembe drums. We learnt that they come from Mali and are traditionally made from wood. Everyone had a go at playing different rhythms on the drums and played along to some African music.