Macro Photography

This week we have been inspired by Edward Weston (photographer), who lived from 1886 to 1958. He was a American Photographer who focused on details images of various items such as fruits, vegetables and landscapes. We looked at a variety of his images using adjectives to describe them, then we Read more…


Through drama and demonstrations today Year 6 discussed and explored how heat is conducted through solids, liquids and gases. The children discussed how the particles vibrate much quicker when heated; how they collide into each other; how vibrations are passed through each particle until thermal equilibrium is reached. We set Read more…

Improving our sentences

Year 6 have been working extremely hard to produce some excellent work in our English lessons. During our grammar session today, we looked at different ways in which we can improve a very simple sentence. The children worked in pairs to add in adjectives, adverbs, similes and relative clauses to Read more…

Thermal equilibrium

In science year 6 explored thermal equilibrium through two different hands on, practical activities. We discussed how when we say something is ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ we are saying it is hot or cold compared to us. The children explored this theory by placing their hands in freezing water, room temperature Read more…


Our new topic in Art is Photography. today the children looked at various examples of work from other artists: ‘Peter Kennard’ and Jerry Uelsmann’. The children eventually created a photo montage using secondary source photographs. They did a brilliant job and their personalities really shone through their work. 

Science (Heat)

Today Year 6 started their new topic in Science – Heat. First the children recapped prior learning all about states of matter and how particles behave. Through drama, the children  demonstrated the behaviour of particles before they started to learn about the effectives of heat on the particles as they Read more…


Year 6 have started a new topic in Geography – Fieldwork. We have been looking at what fieldwork is; why geographers carry out fieldwork; where you can carry out fieldwork; what the purpose of it is? We looked at the examples of fieldwork that are being carried out by geographers around Read more…


This week the whole school took part in the Christingle service by Rev. Kirsty. The children discussed the purpose and the meaning behind the Christingles before making their own. The children recognised that  Christingle is a joyful celebration that brings families and communities together to share the light of Jesus Read more…