The Rock Cycle

In Year 4 we have been learning about the Rock Cycle. We began our Science lesson today with a Kahoot to go over facts that we had previously learnt about rocks. We then used play dough to explain the process of how the different rocks are formed. We began with Read more…

Coding week

This week in Maple we have been enjoying Coding Week. We designed a football coding game and debugged to fix any errors in the code. Some of us had a go at designing a background in Free Code gibbon on Purple Mash, we learnt how to go in to design Read more…

Recycling week

  This week was Recycling week, in Maple we discussed what recycling, reusing and reducing meant. We sorted images under the three categories and discussed how we could all be more environmentally friendly. We then designed our own recycling symbol, we came up with lots of brilliant designs!