
In RE, the children have been thinking about angels. We discussed how Christians believe that angels are messengers of God. They studied various pieces of artwork which show angels, and discussed how they are portrayed and why. We also looked at the role angels played in the Christmas story. Children Read more…

A visit from the Grinch!

This morning Year 5 were rudely interrupted during our English lesson. The grinch came in whilst we were planning our persuasive letters. He ruined our Christmas tree, stole our decorations and ignored the children when they tried to persuade him to love Christmas. This has given us more of a Read more…

Physical changes

In science this week, Year 5 have been learning about physical changes. The children learnt a song to remind them that physical changes are when a substance changes shape, form or state. We learnt that this is usually reversible. The children used their observation skills to record what happens during Read more…