British Science week- Animal Hotels

During British Science week we have learnt all about different types of scientists and were amazed at how many amazing jobs there are that involve Science. Year 2 were given the task of creating animal/ bug hotels. We were very lucky to have some fantastic Year 6 children to come and help us. With their help, we decided whether to make an environment for an animal to hibernate or a great place for bugs to Read more…

British Science Week assembly

              We kicked off British Science Week with a fantastic assembly from our science ambassadors. They told us about the theme for this year which is ‘connections’ and told us all about the fun activities we will be doing in school with our class teachers! What a great way to start British Science Week and a big well done to all of our science ambassadors.

Willows – Collecting wolf vocabulary

In English, we have reading and writing the story Little Red Riding Hood. This week we have been thinking about the Big Bad Wolf; we found out all about wolves using a fact PowerPoint, then we worked in groups; looked at pictures and videos of wolves and collected vocabulary to describe what they look like, sound like and how they move. This helped us to write really interesting adjectives in our sentences when we were Read more…

Measuring in Willows

This week in maths we have been looking at length and height, we have being learning vocabulary and thinking of actions to remember the words long, short, tall, short. We really enjoyed finding objects to measure around the classroom, we used cubes to measure each object and then spoke about how tall or long our objects were. We had to work accurately, making sure we started from the same point with each object and the Read more…

British Science Week!

Year 5 Juniper have had a fantastic time with an afternoon full of science to celebrate British Science Week. Children were able to research and present factual information about Nikola Tesla (a famous electrical scientist in history) by actively retrieving information about him and presenting it in a booklet. Together, we also investigated which materials are electrical conductors or insulators by planning an investigation and testing different materials in an electrical circuit. Well done Year Read more…

British Science Week in Year 5

As part of our learning for British Science Week, Year 5 have enjoyed learning about electrical connections this afternoon. First we used our post it note planning to plan our investigation. We deciding to investigate which materials are electrical conductors and which are electrical insulators. We thought about which variables we could measure and which we needed to keep the same. The children then enjoyed testing the different materials to see if they let electricity Read more…