
This week in Reception, we have been learning about different celebrations. When we were researching Diwali and Bonfire night we realised that they both set off fireworks as part of their celebrations. So we then decided to make our own fireworks in the outdoor area! We started off by throwing Read more…


This half-term in R.E, we have been looking at the topic of Harvest. We learnt all about how and why Christians celebrate Harvest and then looked how it is celebrated in other faiths. We looked in paticular at the Jewish festival of Sukkot and built our own Sukkahs.

Bird Feeders

Gardening Club have made some brilliant bird feeders. We will be hanging them up around school. I wonder if you can make a bird feeder for your garden at home? All you need is: a plastic bottle scissors a lolly stick string bird seed

Arts Week

This week, we have been learning about England. We have looked at the different landmarks in England and discussed where we have been. Every class has been looking at a different artist and our artist was Andy Goldsworthy. He creates big pieces of art in the outdoor area using natural Read more…