Allah in nature

In R.E, we have been studying how different people see God. We learnt that Muslims can see their God through nature and all its wonder. We went on a nature walk and created worship plates to show respect to nature. Here are some pictures of our lesson.

Anti-bullying week

This week St Lukes is celebrating anti-bullying week. As part of this, the children were asked to wear odd socks today to help us recognise and celebrate that we are all different and unique. Throughout the week children will be taking part in assemblies and lessons to help them understand Read more…

Baking Bread

This week, Reception have been reading ‘The Little Red Hen’. In the story, the red hen wants to bake bread but none of her friends will help her. We have been discussing how this will make the hen feel and how we would behave differently. Bluebells have been talking about Read more…

One little word

Today we watched a fantastic performance of ‘One little word’. The performance had no speaking parts at all apart from one little word -sorry!  It was a very powerful production and all the children were engaged throughout. Thank you M6 for such a thoughtful story #onelittleword