Rainforest Shelter Building

Year 5 have had a great afternoon building the rainforest shelters they have been designing. Everyone worked really well with their partner, thinking about their design features and changing them where necessary to make sure their shelter was sturdy and protective. Great work Year 5!      


This half term we are designing and making our own rainforest shelters. This afternoon we have been exploring structures which may be used in the design of our shelters. We discussed and experimented with different ways of joining and combining different materials. The children came up some great ideas for Read more…

Super Smoothies!

This week in Bluebells, we have been talking about how we can keep our bodies healthy to become even stronger superheroes. We have been discussing different fruit and vegetables and how many we should eat a day. To help us eat lots of different fruit we decided to make some Read more…

Science experiment

This week we have linked our science to our history topic The Titanic. We had fun experimenting how boats float by making a plasticine boat:   We have also had our first piece of history homework from Logan. So much effort and detail- well done: