Reception’s Assembly

We performed our assembly today in front of our parents, KS1 and KS2 and retold the story of the Hungry Caterpillar. We all had a special role in our performance which included dancing, singing and narrating. We have worked hard to learn all our songs and learn our lines, some Read more…

The Hungry Caterpillar

This week Reception have been learning about the story, ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. We have been reading the story and learning lots about it. In maths, we have been making caterpillars with repeating patterns. We found it a little bit tricky at first but we kept practising and now we can Read more…

The Iron Man

Children found a chalk outline of a body in the school grounds. Although it had a body, two arms, two legs and a head, it did not appear to be a human body as it was really tall and wide and had strange shapes poking out. The children explored the Read more…

One little word

Today we watched a fantastic performance of ‘One little word’. The performance had no speaking parts at all apart from one little word -sorry!  It was a very powerful production and all the children were engaged throughout. Thank you M6 for such a thoughtful story #onelittleword