Making Formulations

Juniper have been making formulations this afternoon. We carried out an investigation in which we made some formulations using cordial and water. A formulation is made when a particular mixture is added together to create a particular product. Juniper have been formulating apple & blackcurrant drinks. Our formulations were made Read more…

Forest School Scientists

Year 5 Pine have been creating mixtures in Forest School and linking our learning outside with our science lessons. In science, we have been learning about pure substances and mixtures. We have been thinking about the different ways to separate mixtures, including sieving, filtering and using magnets. In Forest School, Read more…

Separating mixtures

Within our science topic ‘particles and chemical reactions’ year 6 have been learning new scientific vocabulary such as soluble, insoluble, solvent, solute, solution particles, pure and impure substances. The children have worked very well to carry out investigations and experiments and work scientifically. Today, we used filter paper, funnels and Read more…

We had so much fun at Knowsley Sqfari Park today! We saw lots of animals and watched the sea lion show and the birds of prey show too! We loved the sea lions the best. We had so much fun that lots of us fell asleep on the coach back. Read more…

Imagine That!!

Year 2 had such a fantastic day at Imagine That – We made lots of fun things and could take them home: bath bombs, slime, magnets, and snow! We had a great time exploring the science room and watched a scientist create a bubble volcano. We also explored the big Read more…