Fossil Facts

As part of our research into Darwin and his Theory of Evolution, Year 6 investigated what fossils are, where they are found, how they are formed and what types of fossils there are. We created information booklets using our 4 sentence paragraph strategy: statement, question, exclamation and command. The children Read more…

Chocolate creations!

As part of our topic we have been learning about changing state. This week we have used our design and technology skills to design and create chocolate creations. We had lots of fun adding exciting ingredients. We then created advertisements.

5 senses

This week we have been busy learning about the 5 senses. We went on a sensory walk around Kayden’s garden and had to use our senses to describe different items in cups. Miss Ainsworth then then took away our sense of sight and we had to guess what was in Read more…

Year 4 Shared Learning and Lunch

Year 4 invited their parents and carers into class to join in with a science experiment this morning. We all had a fantastic time investigating viscosity. First, we explored a range of different liquids and their properties. We then used our maths skills to measure accurately. After this, we planned Read more…

Minibeast Hunt

This week in school it is Eco Week. This afternoon in Willows we have been talking about what animals live in our school environment. We went on a minibeast hunt in Kayden’s Garden to see what we could find.