Mars insight landing

A reminder for Year 5 students. The Mars insight landing takes place at 7.12pm. Come and join the rest of the world watching the insight landing on mars. Watch live at –      

Solar sizes

In science, we have been learning about the colassal sizes of the solar system. We scaled down the solar system sizes to recreate the solar system. Dividing by 1,000,000,000 is trickier than it looks.

Bird Feeders

Gardening Club have made some brilliant bird feeders. We will be hanging them up around school. I wonder if you can make a bird feeder for your garden at home? All you need is: a plastic bottle scissors a lolly stick string bird seed

First week back

We have had a busy, fun first week back. We have been using adverbs to describe different verbs, improving boring sentences, completing a science experiment and using different equipment to represent a number. The children have all really settled in well to Year 2 and have been working really hard Read more…