
This afternoon during our PE lesson we learnt some new yoga poses and learnt how to control our breathing if we are feeling stressed or worried. The children worked hard to focus on their balance and their technique. A very relaxing lesson!

Year 4 Shared Learning

Shared learning this morning for Year 4 Hawthorn. It was lovely for the children to spend time with their grown-ups and talk about their learning in class. Together, they created their very own chocolate bar wrapper and completed a Charlie and chocolate factory quiz. Thank you to all her parents Read more…

The Rock Cycle

In Year 4 we have been learning about the Rock Cycle. We began our Science lesson today with a Kahoot to go over facts that we had previously learnt about rocks. We then used play dough to explain the process of how the different rocks are formed. We began with Read more…

Building structures

During our D&T lessons this half term we will be making pavilions for endangered animals. Today we looked at building structures to try and get some inspiration for our designs. The children worked in groups and were given time to make basic geometric structures before exploring creating larger structures, considering Read more…


Year 4s Science topic this half term is ‘Rocks.’ We looked at a range of metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous rocks and conducted an experiment to see if they were permeable or not.