iRobot animals

To link in with our metals topic, we have been writing explanation texts for iRobots. We began by watching an award winning short film about a robot dog and discussed things such as its movements, how we understood its emotions and its relationship with its owner. We then wrote an Read more…

St Luke’s Time Capsule

With the new building coming along nicely, children have St Luke’s having been looking to the future to guess things will be like 100 years from now. Children from all across the school have come together to create a time capsule for children in the future to learn all about Read more…

Last few days in Carcasonne 2019

Our time in Carcasonne has come to an end. We are at the airport ready for our flight home to Manchester. Had a fantastic final few days including more language lessons, walking around Carcasonne castle learning about the history and much more. However, ours and Albert’s favourite day was yesterday Read more…