After school club
Gardening Club – Wreath Making
Children loved foraging for their materials to create their wreaths. They loved designing how they will lay it out and how many berries they want to put on. Well done everyone!
Children loved foraging for their materials to create their wreaths. They loved designing how they will lay it out and how many berries they want to put on. Well done everyone!
As we approach our Christmas Fair, Year 5 have been busy supporting the event by showing business acumen and enterprising skills. They have supported the fair by costing, budgeting, purchasing and making lots of fantastic sweet treats that can be bought on the day across various stalls. As well as Read more…
Thank you to everyone who came to school dressed for our spotty theme and made a donation to Children in Need. Each class learnt more about the charity, discussed the importance of charities and how we can play our part in helping others, as well as additional activities.
This week Year 3 Birch enjoyed a very wet and windy forest school session exploring and making Autumn pictures with the natural resources. We also did some acrostic poems on our Christian Value which for this half term is friendship. The children then sequenced the story of The Good Samaritan Read more…
The anti-bullying council had a lovely opportunity today to work with RAFC Community. This is a charity that works with schools to promote positive messages. This week, the focus was anti-bullying. They learnt what bullying was and did lots of active activities surrounding this topic. The children loved it and Read more…
Today, our School Council went on our first visit to Springbank care home. As this was our first visit, the school council children took some games and colourings to get to know the residents. As you can see from the pictures, both the children and the residents absolutely loved their Read more…
After noticing high volumes of traffic whilst walking St Luke’s church, Year 6 conducted a traffic survey to investigate how busy the road was outside of school. After some alarming results, the children decided that it would be a good idea to write letters that could be sent to parents, Read more…
As part of our Great Fire of London topic we having been thinking about fire safety. We decided to help others stay safe as bonfire night is approaching. We made fire safety posters and displayed them around the school to help keep everybody safe on Bonfire night.
We loved running round the garden, looking for colourful, vibrant plants. We have lots of amazing plants still, even in Autumn. We enjoyed clearing away some of the leaves 🍂 and putting them on the compost heap.
Today St Luke’s CE Primary received the Britain in Bloom North West award for the “School Category” and “Involving Children and Young People” category. We are so amazed and extremely thankful for all the children’s hard work! The Eco Warriors, along with children who showed the judges around in Summer Read more…