Art & Design
Celebrating the Coronation in Year 2
To celebrate the King’s coronation this weekend, Year 2 designed and made our own commemorative plates. We followed a tutorial on how to draw King Charles, then added our own designs.
To celebrate the King’s coronation this weekend, Year 2 designed and made our own commemorative plates. We followed a tutorial on how to draw King Charles, then added our own designs.
Year 5 have spent the morning bonding as a team in forest school. First we recapped the Easter story but we had to work as a team because all the parts of the story were mixed up and hidden around the forest school area. After this, the children used clay Read more…
Year 5 have been learning all about Islam and what in means to be a Muslim in Britain today. This week we had a special visitor who is a devoted practising Muslim. She spoke to the children about the religious month of Ramadan and celebrating the Festival of Eid-Ul-Fitr. Year Read more…
Today Ethos did a fantastic job retelling the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours. The children spoke clearly and confidently during collective worship. They retold the story with a modern twist. We spoke about how Joseph showed forgiveness towards his brothers even though they were unkind to Read more…
This week we have been learning about being a good friend and who is special to us. We read The Rainbow Fish, then discussed what makes a good friend and how we can be a good friend. During the story we discussed how the fish would be feeling. Everyone then Read more…
Today, the whole school celebrated ‘Random Acts Of Kindness Day’. Each class decided on an act of kindness that they would like to do for others. Reception decorated biscuits for Year 2 Year 1 collected items for Heywood food bank Year 2 completed a colouring and decorated a biscuit for Read more…
For our reflective Friday, we read the story of one of our inspirational people – Marcus Rashford. We looked at why he is not only famous on the pitch, but off the pitch too. He has endlessly campaigned against racism, child hunger and homelessness in the UK and used Read more…
This week, Year 2 learnt about First Aid as part of our SCARF Learning For Life lessons. We first discussed what first aid is and why it is important. We then labelled a body outline with injuries that a First Aider may help with. We then looked specifically at Asthma Read more…
Today, the whole school celebrated Children’s Mental Health Week by coming to school wearing their clothes inside out. This lead our learning about talking about our feelings on the inside and how we keep good, positive mental health. We discussed our 5 ways to wellbeing, and took part in an Read more…
This week in forest school we have been using outdoor materials to make a cross. This is going to be part of a hall display for the Christian value – forgiveness.