Design and technology
Apple and Berry crumble
Year 3 have been learning how to delightful desserts which uses food based around seasons foods. Here are some pictures of our crumble.
Year 3 have been learning how to delightful desserts which uses food based around seasons foods. Here are some pictures of our crumble.
This half term in Design and Technology, Maple have been learning about Structures. We began by exploring different frame structures to test which were the most stable, we then designed our own pavilions and used a range of materials to build a strong frame structure. We then experimented with different Read more…
Today Rowan worked in groups to design, prepare and cook a three course meal. Every child had the opportunity to chop, blend, fry or prepare either the starter, main or dessert. For starter the children had a range of vegetables with a humous dip. For the main we cooked a Read more…
For our new Design and technology unit we are learning all about healthy eating. This week we looked at hidden sugars in drinks. We had to guess how many teaspoons of sugar were in Coke, Diet Coke, a Smoothie and Strawberry water. We were really surprised that there are 9 Read more…
This afternoon Maple have been learning all about structures. We carried out some research on ‘Pavilions’ and learnt about world expos. We worked in groups to make a variety of different frame structures. Have a look at our photographs to see our building in progress and our finished structures. Read more…
We had our first Design Technology lesson in Year 1 this afternoon and were learning about how wheels work. We investigated how wheels move on a variety of different objects like cars, shopping trolleys and bikes and we also learnt some new vocabulary. We then we had a go at Read more…
We have had lots of fun learning about Minibeasts in our English and topic lessons. We then used this knowledge to help to design and make a minibeast. On our designs we had to make sure they had the correct number of legs and antennas. Once we finished painting them Read more…
Today, for our Bright Lights, Big City topic, we learnt about The Great Fire of London and how it started in a bakery. We took this opportunity and simply had to make our own sticky buns… We decided to write down a list of ingredients and instructions of how to Read more…
Today, Willows created some amazing aliens for our Moon Zoom topic! They designed them as a team and created them together using putty, pipe cleaners, googly eyes and card. We think they look awesome and if aliens were real, they’d probably look like ours.
Today, year 3 have been trying to replicate a model of Stonehenge. We researched what Stonehenge looks like and then designed and created our own monolith structure using biscuits. Here are some pictures of our structures