
Year 4 were set the task to build a pavilion for their chosen endangered animals. It needed to include a sheltered area and some fun things for their animals to play with. It also needed to include a gate for the animals to enter into. I think you will agree Read more…

Fruit crumble

Today in Design Technology we looked at where our food comes from in the Uk. We discussed the importance of eating seasonal food, as it reduces negative effects on the environment and also supports local farmers. Next, we researched what food is seasonal in the UK- which fruit only grows Read more…

Japanese Fruit Skewers

Today we looked at different climates of the world and how this affects which fruit and vegetables grow in different countries. We then focused on fruits from Asia which included Bananas, Strawberries, Watermelon and Lychees and made Japanese Fruit Skewers. We used cutting skills to slice the fruit up and Read more…

Clay and conker models

This week in forest school the children made conker models. They used a conkers, clay and natural materials from the forest to create their own model. The children thought carefully about how their model will look. They made people and animals, using conkers, sticks and leaves for the different body parts. Well Read more…

DT – Playgrounds

This half term, Year 6 have been researching, planning, designing and making their own playgrounds. The children have spent time at Queen’s Park looking at the provision and the location of such amenities and used this research to help plan and design their own playground. They have done such a Read more…

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