The Gruffalo’s child

This week we have been reading the story ‘The Gruffalo’s child’, we identified the characters in the story and we worked together to Fred talk the sounds. During choosing time we have been able to create our own footprints using paint and played with our very own Gruffalo crumble. We Read more…

The little red hen

In literacy we have been reading the story the little red hen. The animals did not want to help the hen make the bread until it was time to eat the bread. However the little red hen decided she was not going to share the bread with the other animals. The Read more…

Pirates love underpants

We came in the classroom and noticed underpants everywhere! We had no idea who had left them there and someone had left us a letter. The letter was from the pirates and they needed our help to find the golden underpants. We read the story and decided we needed to Read more…

Our Digestive Systems

This afternoon, Maple have been learning about the digestive system. We watched Mrs Grindrod show us how our teeth and saliva mashed up some banana and biscuit. We learnt how the food travels down our oesophagus and into our stomach. Read one of our letters to ‘Mr Toilet’ to find Read more…

Persuasive Letters

Maple have been learning about the art of persuasion in English! We began by reading a letter addressed to David Walliams, which was trying to convince him to visit our school and help us with our reading. We worked really hard to pick out all of the persuasive language and Read more…

Christopher Columbus

In history, we have been leaving about Christopher Columbus.  We had to ‘explore’ the playground to find out facts about his life. We had to search for pictures of his ship to help answer questions.  We worked really well together to find all of the answers.

🐶🎁The Present 🎁🐶

Since returning to school, Year 5 have been producing some fantastic writing based on an animated clip named ‘The present’. So far in our writing, a computer game obsessed Ben, has just received a special gift from his mum. When Ben opens the gift he is surprised to find a Read more…