Sentence work

Maple have been learning about main and subordinate clauses this morning. We worked hard on identifying each one and moving the clauses around to make new sentences. We tried really hard to punctuate our sentences correctly, and even linked them to our cross curricular writing about ‘The Water Cycle’.

Healthy eating

This week in Literacy we have been learning all about healthy eating. We know all the superheroes need to eat healthy food to make sure they are super strong to save the day. We have been tasting fruit to decide which fruit we liked the most. We came up some Read more…

Improving our sentences

Year 6 have been working extremely hard to produce some excellent work in our English lessons. During our grammar session today, we looked at different ways in which we can improve a very simple sentence. The children worked in pairs to add in adjectives, adverbs, similes and relative clauses to Read more…

The Evil Pea

That cheeky Evil Pea has been up to no good again! When we arrived at school we had some letters from our friends. They had seen the Evil Pea in our local shops and when we got to school all of our carrots were frozen! It was our job to Read more…


This week when we arrived at school we had a letter at the front office. When we opened the letter it was from The Evil Pea. The Evil Pea had captured all the fruit and vegetables in our classroom and taped them to the floor. It was our job to Read more…

Advent gifts

Each day we have been able to choose a gift from under the tree. Each gift has been a different book and Miss Longmire and Miss Robinson have read the Christmas story at the end of the day. We have loved listening to each story and are really excited for Read more…

Letters to the Grinch

Over the last few weeks, Year 5 have been writing letters to Scrooge based on their their teacher’s modelled writing. This week, the children are using the writing techniques and grammar they have learnt during the modelled writing, to independently write persuasive letters to the Grinch. Their letters to the Read more…

The Gruffalo’s child

This week we have been reading the story ‘The Gruffalo’s child’, we identified the characters in the story and we worked together to Fred talk the sounds. During choosing time we have been able to create our own footprints using paint and played with our very own Gruffalo crumble. We Read more…