Useful websites

Last year at Parents Evening, quite a few parents asked for useful links to help with their child’s learning, particularly for Phonics and Maths.   I have copied and pasted a number of websites we use regularly at school to support your child’s learning. I hope these are helpful 🙂 Read more…

Secret Reader

Reception had a surprise this morning. They found out that every Friday morning someone special was going to come into class and read us a story. We were very excited to see Esme’s mum come into class this morning to read to us. She brought a book with her that Read more…

Secret Reader

This morning we had a special visitor in our class. We were very surprised to see Alex’s mum who had come to read us a very funny story called ‘I need a wee!” We really enjoyed the story and we read it again throughout the day. Thank you Alex’s mum!

Quiet Reading Time

The children came into school this morning and prepared for a busy day ahead by quietly reading. The classroom atmosphere was calm and relaxed. There was some beautiful examples of concentration from the children and after reading the children were set up ready for the day!