As part of our four operations unit of work, Year 6 looked at order of operations and how we must use BODMAS. We explored how brackets and BODMAS affect our answers, challenged ourselves to use BODMAS to find 30 answers to the same calculation, played connect 4 and even solved Read more…

Missing number planets

Today we set off in our rockets to travel around the solar system answering missing number addition problems. We showed excellent team work in working with a partner to answer the question written on each planet and write the completed number sentence on our worksheets.

Marvellous Maths

Juniper have been working hard this week on their place value knowledge. We’ve worked with some very large numbers and are able to read and write numbers to one million. We’ve used place value grids and counters to represent given numbers and we’ve made some of our own. We’ve challenged Read more…

3D shapes

We explored the properties of 3D shapes using cocktails sticks and marshmallows to help us answer the questions in our power maths book. We made cuboids and square and triangular based pyramids.