Mathematical Language

This week in Maths we have been learning about positional and directional language. We started by using our observational skills to find the differences between pictures and objects. Everyone then worked together to find teddies in the classroom. We found the teddies and then told our friends where we found Read more…

Fractions and finding a whole

In this lesson we have worked hard to ‘find the whole’. We used bar models to calculate the missing whole. The children used their fantastic knowledge of their times tables to help them. What a great effort everyone. Have a look at some of our work below.  

Fruit crumble

Today in Design Technology we looked at where our food comes from in the Uk. We discussed the importance of eating seasonal food, as it reduces negative effects on the environment and also supports local farmers. Next, we researched what food is seasonal in the UK- which fruit only grows Read more…

Shape Hunt

This week in Maths we have been learning about shapes. We have been using shapes in different ways to investigate their properties. We have then been on a shape hunt to find different shapes in the environment. Everyone has enjoyed learning about 2D and 3D shapes.