PGL day 3

Last night the children enjoyed all their snacks they’d bought at the shops and relaxed ready for a fun filled day today. They kick started the day with a big breakfast followed by team games. Then we headed over to the zip line and trapeze where the children thoroughly enjoyed Read more…


The children have had a wonderful night sleep and they’ve thoroughly enjoyed breakfast this morning. This morning the children have done abseiling, orienteering, giant swing and challenge course. Every child has been amazing and really tried to conquer their fears of heights. Well done all.

We’ve Arrived At PGL

Year 6 have safely arrived at PGL, and have already enjoyed activities such as abseiling, climbing and sensory trail. We’re currently playing archery tag and designing a device to keep a water balloon safe when it’s dropped from the roof of the centre!

Welcome to the Stone Age

This week we have been exploring our new topic Prehistoric Britain. We became archaeologists and student ancient artefacts. We have also used our arts and craft skills to create art work inspired by Stone henge. Here are some pictures of our learning.

Forest School

Today Year 5 Juniper had our first forest school session of the half term. The children discussed our value for this half term ‘Respect’ and created acrostic poems. We had fun freeze framing our summer activities as well as doing a bug and tree hunt and playing hide and seek.