Holi Festival

This week in Literacy we have been learning all about India and have focused on the story ‘Festival Of Colours’. The children use the flowers they have to create powder colours and use it to throw during the Holi Festival. In writing we have been able to write down the colours Read more…

South Africa

This week we have been learning about South Africa, our focus has been the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’. In literacy we started by retelling the story using our own character masks. Handa put seven delicious fruit in a basket for her friend , Akeyo. However those cheeky animals took a different Read more…

Healthy eating

This week in Literacy we have been learning all about healthy eating. We know all the superheroes need to eat healthy food to make sure they are super strong to save the day. We have been tasting fruit to decide which fruit we liked the most. We came up some Read more…


This week when we arrived at school we had a letter at the front office. When we opened the letter it was from The Evil Pea. The Evil Pea had captured all the fruit and vegetables in our classroom and taped them to the floor. It was our job to Read more…

Pirates love underpants

We came in the classroom and noticed underpants everywhere! We had no idea who had left them there and someone had left us a letter. The letter was from the pirates and they needed our help to find the golden underpants. We read the story and decided we needed to Read more…

Minibeasts 🐛🐝🐌🦋🐞🐜🕷🕸

This week we have been looking at the story ‘Mad about Minibeasts!’ And have had so much fun investigating different minibeasts. In forest school, we went on a minibeast hunt, checking to see if any had visited the bug hotels we had made the previous week and made our favourite Read more…

en English