Plant reproduction

Year 5 started their new science topic today: Reproductive Cycles! We were introduced to some new life in our classroom. We have baby caterpillars and giant triops eggs. We are looking forward to seeing how they grow and develop. We are very curious to find out more about them. We Read more…

Class reward

As we have worked so hard this week (completing our SATs), we had a class reward! Emma’s Crazy Critters came into our class.  She bought Bearded Dragons, a snake, an iguana, baby rabbits, and geckos.  We were very brave and held these different critters or gave them a stroke.

Animals and insects

This half term we are looking at different types of animals and insects. When we arrived to school on Tuesday we had some caterpillars in our classroom. 🐛  We talked about the caterpillars and discussed what they might need to survive. After reading the story ‘Monkey Puzzle’, we knew that a caterpillar Read more…

Great Science Share 2022

This week the whole school have participated in ‘The Great Science Share 2022’. The children had an opportunity to work scientifically and plan, investigate and discuss their own investigations. They looked at ‘which sunglasses were best at blocking light?’, ‘what material would be best for an umbrella and why?’, ‘how Read more…

Great Science Share

We had lots of fun at the ‘Great Science Share’. We got involved with lots of different experiments including lava lamp making; can you keep the caterpillar dry; which material can keep the alarm clock quiet and which sunglasses keep out the most light. We asked our own scientific questions Read more…

Deciduous or Evergreen?

In our Science topic ‘Plants’ we have been looking at different types of trees. We went for a walk around the school grounds to discover if we had both Deciduous and Evergreen Trees in the grounds. We found lots of Deciduous trees which we now know have large, flat leaves Read more…