Teethbrushing Fun!

Year 4 Maple were busy today investigating how good we are at brushing our teeth properly. We’re pleased to report that everyone is doing a good job at brushing away plaque from their teeth!

Magna Trip

  We had an amazing time at Magna! We explored Fire, Water and Air through different experiments and we also had a magnet workshop where we investigated how strong some magnets can be! We also went on the park in the sunshine! What a lovely day we have had. Well Read more…

Knowsley Safari Park

We have all had a fantastic day today! We saw lots of animals around the Safari… We then had our lunch. It was very yummy and we ate it all up! We all then went into a classroom and had a Safari lesson. They taught us lots of interesting facts Read more…

Imagine that!

Year 2 had a fantastic time on their School trip. We made slime, bath bombs and fridge magnets. We also watched a science show where they made a Volcano and a rocket.

Penny experiment

As part of our mighty metals topic we have looked at different types of metals and their properties including metals that easily rust. We then completed an experiment to see what happens to copper coins when placed in various liquids. Our recorded results showed that liquids that contain acid, sugar Read more…

Imagine that -Year 2 class trip

We have all had an amazing day on our class trip today. It’s been sooooooooo much fun. We’ve painted magnets, made bath bombs and made slime. We watched a fantastic science show and played with lots of fun activities. We even got chance to paint a car! #imaginethat