Ethos Team

The ethos team from key stage 2 had their very first meeting today. We discussed what the ethos team will do and that they have been chosen because they demonstrate our Christian values well. Their first task was to decorate some prayer cushions to show to the other classes as Read more…

Great Science Share 2022

This week the whole school have participated in ‘The Great Science Share 2022’. The children had an opportunity to work scientifically and plan, investigate and discuss their own investigations. They looked at ‘which sunglasses were best at blocking light?’, ‘what material would be best for an umbrella and why?’, ‘how Read more…

Fun Maths Roadshow

Everyone had a great time today taking part in the Maths Roadshow! Each year group came to the hall to carry out some maths investigations. Every class worked really hard to solve as many puzzles as they could, showing great growth mindsets and persevering when they came across a challenging Read more…

Science Experiments

Today the children had lots of fun doing all different science experiments. They each went to different stations which had different activities on. The children made their very own larva lamps using oil, water and food colouring. They also learnt which sunglasses are the best for keeping the sun out. Read more…

Spelling Bee

Over the last few weeks, Year 6 have been working extremely hard in all topics. One area in particular that they have been focusing on, is their spellings. They have been practising all spellings from the year 3,4,5 and 6 list via the use of games. Today, both classes played Read more…