Ash Wednesday

This morning, Year 6 had a visitor, Reverend Kirsty who came in to task about Ash Wednesday. The children took part in lots of discussions where they had to decide how sorry they would be for a particular incident. Ash Wednesday is all about how Christians confess their sins and Read more…

Pancake day and France

This week we have been learning about France, looking at the language they speak, the food they eat and also landmarks within France. Bertie had been to France and left us a letter to read and we guessed where we thought he was. We then worked together to write him Read more…

Random Acts of Kindness 2022

Thursday 17th February was random acts of kindness day. This year our new Anti-bullying/ Kindness ambassadors helped to come up with some ‘Acts of kindness’ ideas that classes could take part in. Each class then chose a random act of kindness to complete. Reception made kindness cards for a friend Read more…

Mental Health Champions

Today, a group of children from Years 2-6, received their training to become student ‘Mental Health Champions’ for St Luke’s. They spent their morning completing a workshop delivered by  One Goal, who are a child centred health and well-being company that specialise in helping primary schools improve mental health and Read more…


Year 6 have started a new topic in Geography – Fieldwork. We have been looking at what fieldwork is; why geographers carry out fieldwork; where you can carry out fieldwork; what the purpose of it is? We looked at the examples of fieldwork that are being carried out by geographers around Read more…

STEM ambassadors

Congratulations to our new STEM ambassadors! Their role in school is to promote science, plan, carry out and evaluate different scientific enquiries. Yesterday, our STEM ambassadors investigated ‘How far can a paper aeroplane fly’ as part of the Ogden Trust. The children changed the size of the aeroplanes they made Read more…

School Council

Congratulations to our new school council! This year, our school council will be running slightly differently. We are now working with ‘Smart School Council’ which gives us access to digital tools that involve every pupil in decision making, social action and developing key skills for life. The school council will Read more…