
This half term, in Science, Year 6 have been focusing on the topic Energy. We have been exploring what energy is, how it is stored and how it can be transferred from one store to another. The children have focused their learning on different equation to work out efficiency, power Read more…

South Africa

This week we have been learning about South Africa, our focus has been the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’. In literacy we started by retelling the story using our own character masks. Handa put seven delicious fruit in a basket for her friend , Akeyo. However those cheeky animals took a different Read more…

Home Science experiment week 2

Firstly, we would like to congratulate all of the children who took part in last weeks science experiment – volcano. We were so impressed to see all the images and videos! This weeks experiment for you to complete at home is called ‘walking rainbow’. This week you will visualise science Read more…