Art Collage

Over the last couple of weeks, Year 5 have been working together to create some fantastic collage Art, which is proudly being displayed in the school hall. The children began working in pairs to create colourful “doodles” using pastels and water colours and some black and white pieces for contrast. Read more…

The theory of evolution

Today year 5 enjoyed finding out about the theory of evolution as part of their new science topic. First we found the definitions of some new vocabulary hidden outside and we now know the meanings of species, variation, adaptation and evolution. After this we carried out a ‘Battle of the Read more…

Game Creators

In computing this half-term, Year 5 have been creating their own games. They have analysed  other games, designed settings and themes, designed characters, changed animations and sounds that their character makes, written instructions and evaluated their peers’ games to help future designs. We are really impressed with their completed games! Read more…

Growing up

In Year 5, we have been learning about what happens to our body as we get older. Last week we learnt about how we change from childhood to early adulthood through puberty, and how puberty occurs in animals too. This week we looked at changes from early adulthood to old Read more…

Forest School Fun

Year 5 enjoyed their forest school sessions today, despite the wet weather. We started the session by discussing the flora and fauna in the area. Everybody was given a piece of flora and kept it hidden. We then used our language skills to describe the piece of flora to try Read more…