Investigating Growth in Forest School

This week in Forest School, Year 5 have focused their learning on British Science Week. The theme for British Science Week has been ‘Growth’. We discussed how growth is all around us and everyone took part in some exciting science activities. We talked about how the population is growing and how people who work in construction are continually building to deal with this. The children worked together using natural resources to build their own towers. Read more…

Red Nose Day

Today we have dressed up as our favourite superheroes to raise money for Red Nose Day. We have been able to buy our own red noses and the money is donated to the charity to try and end child poverty. In our P.E lesson we danced as our favourite superheroes and used our super speed to move around the hall.  

Science Week

This week we have talked about what a scientist is and what we think they look like. We created our own pictures of what we thought a scientist might look like and showed our pictures to our friends. During forest school we did our very own science experiment and used paper to see the different patterns the trees outside made. Each tree had a different texture which made the patterns different. We hope to do Read more…

Forest School in support of Ukraine

This morning in forest school the children used crayons and paper to take rubbings from different trees. They looked closely at the different patterns and textures. Then the children planted the national flower of Ukraine (a sunflower) in support of Ukrainian people at such a hard time. The children came up with prayers to write on lollipop sticks to put in the soil with their seeds.

Letters to Ukraine

Today we discussed what is happening in Ukraine . We watched a Newsround clip and discussed how we feel about the news. We talked about what we can do if we ever feel upset about what we see on the news like speaking to an adult about our feelings or doing an activity that makes us happy. We then wrote some letters to the children in Ukraine in the hope that our positive words can Read more…

This week we had lots of fun for British Science week exploring the topic of ‘Growth’. We created a wormy together and discussed the different features of a worm’s habitat. We then went into Kaden’s garden to search for worm’s. We were looking for Earthworms, Deep burrowers and Surface worms. All of the children were very brave and careful picking up worms. When we got back into class we looked at the different types of Read more…

British Science Week

This week Year 4 Maple have been celebrating British Science week and thinking about what it means to be a Scientist. The children each drew a picture of what they think a scientist looks like and unsurprisingly we had a lot of Einstein style drawings. We want young people to see that science is so much more than this and so we discussed stereotypes about who scientists are, what they look like, and what they Read more…