David Hockney

Year 6 looked at how we can best analyse a famous painting. We looked at how artists tell stories or show feelings through their artwork. We interpreted the painting by trying to suggest its meaning, and looked closely to try and identify and notice small details, describing them after sketching.

Collage creation- Art

Last we used paint and different materials to create different textures. This week we then used this textured work to create a collage of a seaside. We had to chose collage materials based on the colour and texture and try out different arrangements of materials, including overlapping. Once complete, we Read more…

Welcome to the Stone Age

This week we have been exploring our new topic Prehistoric Britain. We became archaeologists and student ancient artefacts. We have also used our arts and craft skills to create art work inspired by Stone henge. Here are some pictures of our learning.

Year 4 Maple

Year 4 Maple have settled in brilliantly! Our class text for our English lessons this half term is The BFG By Roald Dahl so we started the school Year off with some fun BFG activities. We created dream catchers, drew pictures of the BFG and we also looked at some Read more…