Marine Life #EcoSchoolsAtHome

Why not try something different for home learning this week? Below, I have added some screenshots of the Eco schools website, suggesting some activities that your children might love to do during these times. This is the direct link If you do one of these activities, please tweet us Read more…

British Science Week

As part of British Science Week and our new topic ‘Playlist’, the children have been investigating pitch. The children carried out an experiment to find out if different amounts of water in glasses made different sounds. Some made high pitched sounds and some made lower pitched sounds…but how did the Read more…

Herbal remedies for the Black Death

This afternoon, Year 5 have independently researched some of the cures that medieval doctors used to cure the Black Death. We compared their methods to the work of doctors and scientists today and realised how much we have progressed! We then explored the properties of herbs and wrote some fantastic information Read more…