Year 4 planter update

This afternoon, Year 4 enjoyed going into Kaden’s garden to check on their planter. The peas are growing well, however we also found lots of weeds growing too. We worked hard to remove all the weeds and tidied up. We will back to check on the peas soon.

Viking artefacts

This morning, we had a special delivery which we think is cargo from a Viking longship. We explored the different artefacts and discussed and predicted their uses. The children enjoyed time travelling and trying on some Viking clothing.

Telling the time outside

This morning in maths, Year 4 enjoyed creating clock faces on the playground. They then worked hard converting digital to analogue time. It was lovely to see the children working well in groups and supporting and coaching each other through different challenges. We even had some clock faces using roman Read more…

Chocolate creations!

As part of our topic we have been learning about changing state. This week we have used our design and technology skills to design and create chocolate creations. We had lots of fun adding exciting ingredients. We then created advertisements.

Macbeth Drama

Year 4 have been working hard in English, writing Macbeth’s diary recount. To help us plan our work, we enjoyed acting out the scenes after King Duncan’s death in class today. We have some amazing actors and actresses!

Year 4 Shared Learning and Lunch

Year 4 invited their parents and carers into class to join in with a science experiment this morning. We all had a fantastic time investigating viscosity. First, we explored a range of different liquids and their properties. We then used our maths skills to measure accurately. After this, we planned Read more…