Dictionary skills

Some of our Year 2 children have completed the phonics programme and are now taking part in daily Guided Reading sessions. Throughout the week, the children work in small groups to answer verbal questions and complete independent task based on a book. They make predictions, show skills in skimming and Read more…

Colour mixing

Working in pairs, we investigated colour mixing using both primary and secondary colours. We fixed paper into a tray and used a wide brush to coat the paper with a thin layer of water. We then took turns choosing two primary colours, squeezing or pressing the paint onto the damp Read more…

Making Music

A fantastic first day back in Year 2. We began our new topic ‘Making music’ in computing. The children enjoyed experimenting using 2sequence to compose their own music. They then looked at the tune of Twinkle Twinkle and added different instruments alongside the drum beat, to create a new version.

Elf houses

We have been working with clay this half term. We have been practising moulding, rolling and using a ‘slip’ to stick pieces together. We all then designed 3 elf houses and picked our favourite to make out of clay. We used these different clay techniques to create our elf houses.

Elf Story Editing

This morning, the children walked in and found that our class elves had been listening to our English lessons and had written their own ‘Christmas Star’ story. However, when the children began to read the Elf’s work, they noticed quite a few mistakes. We decided we would help them improve Read more…