Library visit
This morning we visited Heywood Library. We had a lovely time looking at all the different books and we even got to take one each back to school with us!
This morning we visited Heywood Library. We had a lovely time looking at all the different books and we even got to take one each back to school with us!
Ash have been excited to start our new reading challenge, all they need to do is read at least 3 times a week and change their books Monday, Wednesday and Friday. They are then entered into a prize draw for a chance to win a reading pet. Our winner this Read more…
This morning, year 3 Birch visited Heywood library. We spent time reading books and then each chose a book to bring back to class for our free reading time. We are looking forward to visiting again.
We have had some parents asking for a list of books we are going to be looking at over the year. These books support our English and our topic lessons so please, if you can nip to the library to have a look at them, that would be brilliant! Read more…
As part of our WW2 topic, we have been studying the book ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’. We looked at writing newspaper reports based on an air raid that the two main characters, Olive and Cliffe, found themselves caught up in whilst visiting the theatre. After reporting on the event, Read more…
On Monday, we went on our first visit to the library. We talked about how we were going to walk up to the library and how to keep safe. It was really important to walk sensibly and listen to our teacher and the other adults who came with us. When Read more…
This afternoon, Year 5 walked to Heywood Library and enjoyed exploring the books and finding out more about what the library has to offer. Each child chose a book and were all engrossed in the first few pages before we had to set off back to school. We hope this Read more…
Maple are currently reading ‘The Demon Dentist’ as our daily class read. The children can’t wait to hear, at the end of the day, what is going to happen next. They are particularly interested in finding out more about ‘Miss Root’ who they suspect is trying to rot the school Read more…
It was a lovely start to our Monday morning. We read Meerkat Mail in pairs and as a class and looked at the different postcards within this book. Some children found it funny, some children related to the main character, Sunny. Working in pairs was great because it gave us Read more…
Year 4 Hawthorn have produced some fantastic diagrams showing the structure of the tooth. They also explained each part of the tooth with some amazing writing. Think we have some future dentists in Year 4!