God and the Big Bang!

On Thursday 7th July, Maple took part in the Rochdale Science-Faith Festival at St. Luke’s Church called God and the Big Bang.  We took part in interactive workshops with the opportunity to discover, discuss and debate the compatibility of science and faith. 

Rocks made from chocolate!

During Science lessons we have been looking at the three different types of rocks; Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. We started our Science lesson this week by completing a ‘Kahoot’ quiz where we answered questions about what we already know as a recap. We then used chocolate to represent the different Read more…


This week we have been learning about Minibeasts and have learnt lots about them. We worked at five different stations, the caterpillar station, the painting minibeasts station, the bug hotel station, the bug hunt station and the sorting station. In the caterpillar station we observed our caterpillar and drew our Read more…

Heywood Great Science Share for Schools

The Great Science Share is an annual event, aimed at inspiring children to share scientific questions with new audiences. Harwood Park hosted the event and 6 schools’ including ours attended. Each school had a group of 8 pupils’ conducting a range of different Science experiments. There was also a neuroscience  Read more…

Bubbles Bubbles Everywhere!

We went out onto the playground to see how windy it was for Geography. We found that the bubbles blew in all different directions and sometimes, the wind looked like it had stopped completely… with the bubbles floating up! We had so much fun 🙂